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The House...

Chronicling the building of my house from start to finish...

Location: United States

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Staking and Walnuts

Not a whole lot of visual progress. You probably can't see from the pictures, but they actually have the basement staked off and spray painted some other markings onsite. There are strings between each stake so you can see the exact shape of the basement/foundation. Inspectors will be through on Monday to inspect the staking and whatever else they feel they need to inspect. Of course you know these inspections aren't free right? Can't breathe without these theives... oops, I mean inspectors wanting to make sure you're doing things to code, etc. But I digress...

This other picture is the picture of the walnut fruits. If you ever wondered what walnuts look like here it is. You can see a few of them in the picture. Probably not what you thought? First of all, I did not know walnuts grew on trees... learn something new everyday.

Well, hope to have more pictures next week...


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Love your blog. It definately gives me a clear picture of what you are always telling me about at work. God bless you and your project.


3:53 PM  

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