It's been awhile since I posted an update, but frankly not much has happened. The roof is fairly finished. They just need to do some trimming on the edges. Hopefully with the roof pretty much done, they can start on the siding sometime soon.
Progress has slowed down because they started to prep the basement, garage, and porch for cement. this is a picture of the garage from outside. It may be hard to tell from the picture, but they brought in a bunch of sand to bring the floor of the garage up to the right level before they pour the cement. There is a plastic covering that goes over the sand. I believe this is basically a vapor barrier so that no moisture gets into the cement from underneath. The same plastic is in the basement.
Anyways, I'm hoping that they get back started on this today or tomorrow. I've got my heating and cooling guy lined up and ready and hope to have my electrician soon. A coworker of mine recommended a friend of his that goes to his church for the heating and cooling. I told the guy what my best price was so far and showed him the estimate. He came back with a lower estimate and I also get better products as well. I can't complain. He's the one who recommended me an electrician. So we'll see if his electrician can beat my best price.
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