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The House...

Chronicling the building of my house from start to finish...

Location: United States

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

It's Here!

The most important news of the day... the house is here!! I met the drivers around 7:30pm in the Meijer's (grocery store) parking lot near the house. The drivers are going to sleep and I'll meet them in the morning. I actually got a look inside both the semis... it's quite plush. Nice sized bed with satellite TV and microwave in there. The driver and passenger seats are extremely comfortable! Anywayz, it's amazing that what is contained on these two trucks is going to turn into a full two story house. I guess tomorrow the fun begins... 7AM bright and early :)

Yesterday, the inspection went well. Passed without any issues, so the framer came in and braced the walls for backfill which is what you see in the picture here. Nothing too complicated. Had to make sure the foundation did not crack once they started moving the dirt around. Took this picture yesterday.

Here is the finished product today with all the soil moved back into place. Basement just peeks out over the soil. It's about a foot and a half above gound.


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