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The House...

Chronicling the building of my house from start to finish...

Location: United States

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Everything Stopped

All work has stopped. Just waiting on the cement contractor to come back and pour the basement floor and garage floor. He is holding up the ENTIRE process. The carpenter can't build the basement stairs until there is a basement floor. The heating and cooling guy can't start because there is no basement floor to put a furnace on AND there's no stairs. The siding contractor can't start because he needs the electrician to do the wiring for the outside lights and sockets. But the electrician can't start until the heating and cooling contractor is done. So you can see how everything is dependant on this cement contractor.

I had an inspection for the subsoil (soil that will be under the cement they are going to pour) on Sept. 22nd that passed. Originally, it was scheduled for Sept. 20th, but the genius who scheduled it (the cement contractor) did not leave a ladder at the site to get into the basement (no basement stairs yet), so the inspection on the 20th failed. I had to go borrow a ladder from a friend and leave it there for the inspector. The cement contractor hasn't been back since he put down the subsoil. His explanation (excuse) is that since it rained so much the week of the inspection, that they are behind on their other work, so my job has been pushed back. So this morning, they said this Friday they will be out. We'll see...

Here are some pictures of the basement. this picture is taken from the corner of the house that would be under the bay window on the left side.

This picture is taken from under the other bay window. You can see all the plastic they have on the floor as a vapor barrier.


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