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The House...

Chronicling the building of my house from start to finish...

Location: United States

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Insulation Install

Yesterday (Saturday), I was blessed to have family and friends help me start putting in the insulation. We had a great time. They came in, and within a day, I would say that 85-90% of the insulation is in. This helped me out tremendously. I was amazed at how quickly things were getting done.

After spending the morning and early afternoon cleaning up, I'd say we got started around 2:00 with the insulation. For 8 foot ceilings, they have insulation that is pre-cut to the right length to fit in between the studs. this was perfect for the 2nd floor. Unfortunately, on the first floor, I have 9 foot ceilings, so we had to buy large rolls that needed to be cut down to the right length. My dad (blue jacket) was in charge of cutting the pieces to the right length and the rest of us were installing between the studs and stapling.

Here you can see my uncle up on the ladder stapling the insulation into place.

Throughout the week, I'll finish up installing the insulation. I was there today (Sunday) to do a little bit more, but I decided to take it easy today. After I get done, then I'll have to get it inspected by the county. If it passes, then we'll move on to drywall installation...

Like I said, I am grateful that everyone came out and helped me. I was very thankful.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


The furnace is almost finished being installed. There is just a small piece missing. You can see the missing piece in the picture. They'll be back to put that piece in and then they will be done. I'll have to call the plumber to hook the gas line up to the furnace and I'll also need to call the electrician to run power to the furnace. But, all that will probably have to wait until next week because I am off to sunny Tampa, FL for a few days!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Trash Day!!

Today was finally trash day. The trash heap was getting ridiculously huge. I got some of my friends together to help me put all the trash in the dumpster I had delivered yesterday. You can see the size of the trash pile behind 'em. I was glad I had some help!

After about two and a half hours of work, we got it all done. I was quite thankful of the help. It's situations like this that let you know who your real friends are. *smile*. The good thing is that the weather cooperated and it was sunny and "warm" today... around 40 degrees which is much warmer than it's been all week. I thank God for that.

The dumpster was about 24 feet long, 4 feet high and about 6-8 feet wide.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Gas Line installed and driveway...

I took these pictures at night since the days are so short now... I'll have to take some better pictures over the weekend.

Okay, these guys were about two and a half weeks ahead of schedule! they told me that they would be out on the 22nd to install the gas line. So I was quite surprised to see that they had moved the trash heap and ran the line to the house on Monday or Tuesday. The furnace should be going in tomorrow, so I'll be calling the gas company back to install the meter.

They put gravel down for the driveway. Doesn't look bad. I could drive into the garage now if I wanted to. It's nice to get that out of the way before it gets TOO cold