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The House...

Chronicling the building of my house from start to finish...

Location: United States

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Let there be Light!!

Lights are now installed and they are on at the house. Always good to see some progress. The electrician has some little things left to do and then I will be done with all the electrical work.
Quite a few lights in the kitchen area. Once electrical is complete, final plumbing will be next.
Yesterday was also cleanup day. As you can see, the grass is very high. I borrowed a friend's weed wacker to knock down the grass. Funny thing is that the vibration from the weed wacker made my right hand swell up. It looked like a rubber glove filled with water. I couldn't even make a fist. I called a friend of mine and he said this was normal when you aren't used to the vibration and it would go down in about 24 hours. thankfully it did!

I am hoping that within the next 30 days, this house will be livable. So there's a lot of work that needs to get done! Say a prayer


Blogger Chris said...

Hi Loutenant

I have been reading your blog with interest, because I will also be building a house designed by Modulex.

I just wanted to ask your impressions about Modulex and the quality of the products. We are looking at the St Moritz model (a lot smaller than yours) and will start the build in 2009. We are outsourcing all the project management but if you have any advice you can give about the process, that would be most appreciated. Your place looks ace by the way :)




12:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Where are the updates??? What's the status? Looks really good. Things have been hectic but I'll get in touch.

M. Dixon

1:57 PM  

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