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The House...

Chronicling the building of my house from start to finish...

Location: United States

Friday, August 18, 2006

Basement Walls Exposed!

Yesterday they removed the mold from the concrete to expose the finished product. Here's my basement in all it's naked glory. The black stuff you see on the walls is stuff they spray on it to waterproof the concrete.
Towards the base of the walls, you can see what they call "drainage tile". I think it's just an official sounding term for crushed pebbles, cuz that is what it looks like to me. But anyway, this "drainage tile" helps the water drain away from the basement, since we all know that water in the basement is NOT a good thing.

Just a picture through the future basement window.

I have an inspection on Monday. The inspector will be checking to make sure the "drainage tile" looks good and that it's properly sloped. As well as he will make sure the walls look good. If that goes well, the contractor who will be framing the house will brace the inside of the basement because on Tuesday, they will put the soil back around the basement walls. You want to make sure that the inside is braced because as you put the soil back, it puts pressure on the walls and you don't want any cracking since the concrete may not be totally cured (it should be, but this is a necessary precaution). Then on Wednesday at 7AM the house shows up... I got a tight schedule folks. :)


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